Liberian Lorma people of Lofa are associated with this traditional African dish. West Africans utilize this popular pea eggplant in various delicious kittely okra stew recipe.
Kittely African Okra Stew Recipe-Mixy Boxa

Authentic African Plant-based Foods
Authentic African Plant-based Foods
Liberian Lorma people of Lofa are associated with this traditional African dish. West Africans utilize this popular pea eggplant in various delicious kittely okra stew recipe.
Liberian cuisine rightly wrestles for the crown of Africa’s best foods. Torborsoay should be top on your list if you want to experience authentic West African cuisine.
Senegal’s degue thiakry, a top creamy sweet dessert for breakfast recipes in vegetarian African food. Taste the benefits of ancient grains.
Flavor see flavor, flavor hide. Kukujumu? These sayings tell you which African country this enticing meal is from. Find your nearest African grocery store and stock up on palm nut paste and get kablai leaves too.
Liberians are simple people who prefer a no hassle way of living. Such mannerisms carry over in our food too. Spicy, crunchy, sweet, dish made with affordable ingredients.
You will taste crunchy texture from the collard greens along with savory salty spiciness. Sautéed collard greens stew soaks up the rice making each bite a juicy hearty crunchiness.
I remember old people would talk about black wild rice benefits, they would lament about black rice nutrition and why it is good for us. I didn’t listen at the time. Now I know better.
The fact that I’m sharing this with the world should tell you how confident I am about my version of Okra stew recipe. It is filling, tasty, and cuts back the slime drastically.
West Africans love chili or pepper more than your average African. Called ‘hot pepper’ by most, pepper is a must on every plate and table, even for breakfast.