What’s your favorite drink… One that refreshes every bit of your existence? A chilled tall glass of buttery maziwa mala might do all that and more- with impressive health benefits.
Kenyan Homemade Maziwa Lala

Authentic African Plant-based Foods
Authentic African Plant-based Foods
There are diverse types of traditional African drinks as there are cultures on the continent. You can expect to taste unique traditional African drinks from wherever region you visit on the continent. This is to say that Africa’s best homemade drinks vary in composition and nutritional content. These range from brews, tea, coffee, fruit drinks to soups. We take on a discovery journey of popular types of African drinks and how to make them at home.
On the continent, African drinks are made from single or mixed cereals mainly through fermentation. You can count on the diversity of flavor for Africa’s best homemade drinks. They range from sweet, fresh, sour and even spicy! The types of drinks taken on the continent also depend on the time of day as well as harvesting season. There are traditional African drinks for a hot summer day or cold rainy day. Similarly, seasonal fruit-based homemade drinks are often widely available during seasons of the particular fruits.
Generally, therefore, it is an indisputable fact that the African continent is home to some of the world’s best cocktails, beverages and alcoholic drinks. Explore here to learn more and take advantage of recipes to these best homemade drinks.
What’s your favorite drink… One that refreshes every bit of your existence? A chilled tall glass of buttery maziwa mala might do all that and more- with impressive health benefits.
A pick-me-up Congo drink anyone? Taste Kivu Congo coffee or experience the national drink; wine up or down. Food in Congo has nice African coffee and rum coconut cocktail.
Sip the flavors of Kenya drinks-Chai ya mkandaa. A traditional Kenyan drink among popular African recipes. It does more than warm you up.
Isn’t it amazing how most recipes for African food tend to be medicinal? Kenyan dawa, a national drink, is made in a variety of ways. We show easy ways to enjoy this lovely drink.
Our Pink lemonade recipe shows how to easily make yourself fresh colored lemon juice at home. Instead of adding any artificial colors, you get to achieve its pinkness from fresh strawberries or cranberries.
Ranon’apango Madagascar burnt rice drink is aromatic, flavorful, and surprisingly delightful.
This drink is tart and flavorful with any spice or sweetener you desire.