The Malagasy rice drink/ ranovola, is Madagascar’s traditional food and it will give you the perfect remedy for how to fix burnt rice, how to make rice water drink. This is one of the popular south African drinks (the region not the country). We are on a journey to learn about Africa through plant-based and vegetarian food. If you are curious to know more, subscribe to be notified monthly.
What other perfect way to clean the bottom of a crusted rice pot and enjoy the rejuvenating flavor of ranovola?
I credit my grandmother for teaching me to love and respect food. She taught me how to waste nothing, to make sure I used every bit of the chicken and boil the bones till no flavor could be extracted from them –
Marcus Samuelsson
You all throwing away burnt rice without trying how to make rice water drink, we’re peeking at you.
The cool refreshing glass of ranovola is famous in Madagascar traditional food, where the bottom of a burnt rice pot is reserved to spice the regular drinking water. Ranovola can be served hot or cold, often at the end of a traditional Malagasy meal, and is perceived as a demonstration of care for the health of the guests.
Check out the video recipe:
Related: Juicy Liberian Rice Bread Recipe – Popular West African Food
Madagascar Burnt Rice Drink
Ranovola or Ranon’apango is so easy to create and especially if you want another option how to fix burnt rice. For this Madagascar traditional food recipe, no one needs to draw a road map. Do as we say “Monkey see monkey do.”
Madagascar, Greetings our people! how life dey?
Now, about ranovola, it is aromatic, flavorful, and surprisingly delightful to drink; who knew how to make rice water drink could be this good? One of the top south African drinks to dazzle your friends with. Those who struggle with this recipe are the ones who have never cooked rice on the stove-top OR those people who cook rice perfectly every time that it doesn’t burn…Show off…
I thought it was only Liberians who love to eat rice 24/7/365 but it seems Madagascar has the lead. They love rice so much there are many poems, songs, and parables centered around rice. Ranon’apango has inspired me to cook more rice on the stove-top instead of using the cheat machine (rice cooker). With this drink, I cannot go wrong!
Looks delightful, right?

Wish I knew about Ranon’apango during my childhood because it would have saved me from many whooping, as I burned rice frequently. I could have acted like I meant to do it and concocted a drink to appease them.
Related: How to cook rice for beginners on the stove

3 Steps to make Ranovola from burnt rice
If you decide to create Ranon’apango/ Ranovola, the best way to get top-notch crispy, toasty flavor is to make sure the burnt rice crust is partially dark.
That is it! First, cook it on the stovetop, make sure you burn the bottom well. Second, soak the crust for 30mins-1hr. Lastly, strain the water and add sweeteners.
Ranovola takes on a golden color and a lightly toasted flavor which can be made more or less intense to preferences.
Enjoy your flavorful, refreshing, and toasty drink.
This quick and easy recipe is the perfect way to use burnt rice.
PSsssst! if you do not remove the cooked rice before pouring water onto the crust, I am judging you oh! Curious about a no-animal-meat food lifestyle? peep instagram to see what I eat live.
Related: 7 Lovely Madagascan Snacks To Eat

Madagascar Burnt Rice Drink
Madagascar Burnt Rice Drink is also called Ranovola or Ranon'apango. This refreshing drink is made out of burnt rice and can be enjoyed hot or cold, plain or with additional flavors.
Who knew the best-tasting thing can come from burnt food. Try it for yourself.
- Burnt Rice crust (must be in the pot)
- Water (enough to cover the rice crust)
- Agave, honey or syrup
- Plant milk (Oat, soy, cashew, etc)
- Make sure you have burnt-crusted rice in a pot. To make a perfect burnt crust, remove cooked rice and leave the crust in the pot. If the crust is not burnt enough, heat it on medium until it begins to smell toasty; after that turn off the heat. It should be more toasted than burned.
- Pour clean water over the rice crust, enough to cover the crust fully.
- Cover the pot and let the rice sit in water for 20 minutes.
- After 20mins, sift out the rice water in a cleaned glass. (The sifted burnt rice can make a crispy, toasty, flavorful snack. To make this, dry the rice on a non-stick pan as shown in the video tutorial.)
- Allow poured rice water to sit for 5 minutes. The remnants will sink to the bottom of the glass.
- Sift out for a second time as shown in the video tutorial. Remember, darker color equals flavorful taste.
- After the second sift, drink it plain or proceed to sweeten your rice drink with sugar, agave, or syrup.
- Optional to add plant milk to the rice drink or serve it over ice to make it cool. Enjoy!
Set aside cooked rice before adding water to crust.
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Yummy! I’m curious how long you can store this drink?
Less than a week before it goes sour.