Authentic African food must include Nigerian ogbono soup. Know how to cook ogbono soup allows you how to prepare our thick slimy and flavorful vegetarian African food, a popular Nigerian recipe. While you don’t need a calculator to contrast soups and stews, the difference is the amount of liquid contained in each. Soups contain more liquid compared to stews. This Nigerian recipe is a mix of ground ogbono seeds (wild African mango seeds), palm oil, a protein of choice, and leafy vegetables. In case you’re wondering what else to use for weaning, add this vegetarian African food to your baby’s menu (only be mindful of the spices). Pounded yam and ogbono soup go down so well, not to mention its many health benefits. We’ll show you how to cook ogbono soup and have some fun while at it, abi?
Say this Nigerian dish name and feel the excitement. Perhaps it is the giddy child in me that loves saying Ogbono with zeal! Nigeria folks, how you dey?
Video Tutorial:
Eat Food You love and Remain Healthy
Considering I love Okra stew, it is no surprise that I am attracted to this slime-y goodness. In fact, I go seek out delicious slimy food because Ogbono and Okra are so delicious.

As you enjoy the flavor and texture of this stew, you’re adding great value to your body. Granted, Ogbono has a unique smell, and there is one ingredient that subdues Ogbono’s unique smell. And that ingredient is Palm oil.
Palm Oil Is Nectar of the Gods!
Palm oil and Ogbono go well together. Nigerian ogbono soup is hefty, tastes slightly sweet and aromatic! This dish is rich in healthy fat from palm oil, leafy greens add another layer of nutrition, and add as much plant protein you can stomach.
Keep in mind, there is only one carb that should be eaten with this delicacy, it is Fufu. Yes, people will tell you how authentic African food is amazing and suggest fufu, gari… and mention other starches, like eba or any other ‘swallow’. However, Plantain fufu is my most loved carb-rich food of choice. Let me know in the comments what you eat this Vegan Ogbono Soup with. Let’s throw it down in a fun way (wink wink).

Related: Vibrant Nigerian Okro Soup
Essential Eating Utensil for Ogbono Soup
Because of modernity, this must be said: Under no circumstances, you must not eat Ogbono soup with a spoon or fork, it is an abomination. “What should I eat it with?” The answer is in your hands, literally. Hold out the hand you eat with (right or left), then open your palm and spell the words ‘spoon’ on each finger. Your bare washed hand is what you eat Ogbono Soup with.
Eating this vegetarian African food with your hand elevates the experience of this bountiful delicious delicacy. With my Nigerian recipe, you get a wholesome nutritional option that is deliciously vegetarian. Consider checking out our video tutorial and get the details on how to cook ogbono soup. Plant-based African food does not have to be boring or scary. Chaley, enjoy yah. Let’s be social.
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Flavorful Vegetarian Ogbono Soup
Vegetarian ogbono soup is hefty, tastes slightly sweet and aromatic! This dish is rich in healthy fat from palm oil, leafy greens add another layer of nutrition, and add as much plant protein you can stomach.
- 2 oz ground Ogbono seeds
- Quarter Yellow Onion
- 1 Habanero pepper (optional)
- 2 Cups broth
- 1 cup Water
- 2 tsp mince garlic
- 1 cup chopped Frozen Spinach
- Half tsp Salt
- Desired amount of Palm Oil (less is more)
- Protein of Choice (Seitan, Tofu, or shiitake mushrooms)
- In a clean cooking pan, heat 2 cups of Vege broth until it boils.
- To this, add any protein of choice. We used homemade seitan protein.
- Add half teaspoon of minced garlic, quarter onion diced and 1 habanero pepper diced.
- Sprinkle half a teaspoon of salt and your desired amount of pepper.
- Stir it gently to combine then add 2 oz of ground ogbono seeds and stir to dissolve the ogbono powder into the broth. Let this cook on medium heat for 5 minutes.
- Add another half teaspoon of minced garlic and stir to mix it in.
- Pour in 1 cup of water as you stir to combine. Cover the pan and allow the mixture to boil. You'll notice that the soup has thickened.
- Add your desired amount of palm oil and mix it in thoroughly.
- Add 1 cup of chopped spinach and stir to combine.
- Add more pepper, cover the pan and let it simmer for 6 minutes.
- Enjoy with fufu or eba 🙂
- You can opt to add okra as a vegetable to this soup.
- Also, you can buy ogbono seeds and grind them at home. This is advisable because you'll be sure to buy fresh ogbono seeds.
Using the tofu, should it be fried can it be made out by boiling
For best results, pan fry tofu until golden brown on both sides. It adds another layer of texture.