When it involves the foremost staple of West African food, it doesn’t get any better than this. Liberians call it Gari Yorkor, Ghanaians call it Gari Yoko or Nigerians call it Gari and beans. Wondering what is yucca good for or what is red palm oil. We will show you a straightforward way to prepare an easy Gari yorkor, consisting of frugal ingredients and particularly nutritionally balanced fatty red palm oil; one of the popular Liberian recipes. I think you want to try this or have another red palm oil recipes on hand. Flavor pass mouth with this one! Curious about a no-animal-meat food lifestyle? peep instagram to see what I eat live.
The simplest answer to what is yucca good for is this: Gari Yorkor is a simple and popular Liberian recipe made from gari and beans. It’s a reasonable meal and makes you feel full, Africans eat for belly to full. Although it is commonly sold by street vendors and restaurants, we will show you how to enjoy gari yoko at home.
O ma give me one bowl lor yorkor and make it thick!
Says a Gapping Person
Video Recipe
Liberian recipes like this one assures one will not be hungry for a long time; with a full stomach, one can accomplish daily tasks for extended hours. Flavor pass mouth with this one oo! Now, let’s learn about what is yucca good for and its nutritional benefits received from the infamous food in Liberia called gari and beans.

Gari Cassava Benefits
Gari is pronounced gah-re and it is made from granulated cassava (Yucca), a root vegetable. Cassava/Yucca is commonly found in most west African food. Subscribe to learn more about the African food lifestyle.
Gari contains vitamin B17, a content in cassava that helps in stimulating red blood cells. Experts say the loss of red blood cells frequently results in cancer. We don’t know medicine but we know carbs are life. Gari is rich in Vitamin A and bakarotennya, which improves healthy eyes and prevents future blindness or poor eyesight.
Pregnant women need lots of vitamin C and folate. A cup of gari contains 15 percent of your daily folate requirement and 47 percent of the daily calcium requirement. Both vitamins also help the body’s immune system.
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Kidney Beans Benefits
Kidney beans are a variety of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), it is an important food crop and a major source of protein throughout the world.
Dieticians often recommend beans as part of a healthy diet due to their high nutritional value. Like other beans, kidney beans are often counted as both a protein source and a vegetable. Eating a minimum of a half cup of beans per day can improve overall health.

- Improve Heart Health-Reducing cholesterol is a method to lower your risk of a heart condition and improve your heart health. Kidney beans are among the healthiest beans to use as a protein source, having slightly less saturated fat than other types of beans but with comparable amounts of fiber and protein.
- Control blood glucose-Beans are a low-glycemic index food. They don’t cause spikes in blood glucose once you eat them. Also, they help moderate the consequences of foods that do cause spikes in blood glucose. For instance, kidney beans or other common beans are often eaten with rice to slow the speed at which the rice digests. Here here!
- Weight Management– The calcium and magnesium in kidney beans can strengthen the bones and stop osteoporosis. Therefore, the folate within kidney beans helps maintain joint health thereby reducing the danger of bone diseases, including osteomalacia (the softening of bones) and osteoporosis.
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What is red palm oil & what are the benefits?
Red Palm oil is also called Aceite de Palma, African Red Palm Oil, Crude Palm Oil, and many other names. Add it to any recipe from our platform, notice Red Palm oil adds a nutty flavor and also provides healthy fat.
- Red Palm oil reduces Cholesterol Levels
- Slows the Progression of Heart Disease
- Boosts Brain Health
- Enhances Vitamin A
- Reduces Oxidative Stress
- Improves Skin and Hair Health
Having mentioned the benefits of the three key ingredients and sharing about what is red palm oil, let us show you another use for red palm oil recipes. Skip to the video recipe or detailed cooking instructions card.
A layered delicacy west African food
Once you’ve created your bowl, it should be layered like this: seasoned whole Kidney beans mixture at the bottom, fine fine gari (cassava is king) in the middle, and red palm oil on top.
We hope we’ve answered, what is red palm oil and listed for you another red palm oil recipes. Plant-based gari yorkor is delicious, flavorful, and filled with nice aromas. Give it a try jor! Comment below and tell us what you think.

Vegetarian Gari Yorkor
A great fact about this Gari Yorkor meal is that it assures one will not be hungry for a long time and can accomplish daily tasks for extended hours. Flavor pass mouth with this one oo! Consisting of frugal ingredients and particularly nutritionally balanced you can see why this is a top food in Liberia.
Gari Yorkor is made using cassava or yucca. You may be wondering what is yucca good for? It is definitely a plus for good health given the nutrients within it. The beauty of Liberian recipes is their wholesomeness, freshness and nutritious aspects and having a meal such as Gari Yorkor you cannot go wrong!
- Gari (size your portion)
- 1 Can Kidney Beans
- Crushed Pepper (desired amount)
- 1/4 Dice Yellow Onions
- Fried Tofu (desired amount)
- 1 Vege Cube (omit this is you use vege broth)
- 1 Cup Water (OR Vege Broth)
- Half Tsp Salt
- Pour 1 cups of water into a pot and add one vege cube to it. Notice, I season my beans well enough at the beginning which add flavor to the overall end-result. If you use vege broth omit the vege cube or do as you see fit.
- Drain out canned kidney beans.
- Add kidney beans to boiling broth water. On medium heat boil for 10 minutes.
- Gather your garnishes, which are the onion, pepper flakes and plant protein. Next, Dish desire quantity of cooked kidney beans mixture into a bowl.
- Add fine gari (desired portion) onto the mixture. Next, add chopped onions, pepper, and palm oil, plant protein on top of the beans.
- Pour a glass of water and Blaze!
Okay there is balancing involved at the gari phase: If you add too much gari the dish becomes too dry and you might choke. If you add less gari, the dish is too liquid so you must find the perfect balance.