Authentic Ethiopian yellow split peas and berbere are a love match made on earth. Creamy, juicy, earthy wholesome flavors are prevalent in Yekik Alicha.
Yekik Alicha Enticing Ethiopian Dish

Authentic African Plant-based Foods
Authentic African Plant-based Foods
Authentic Ethiopian yellow split peas and berbere are a love match made on earth. Creamy, juicy, earthy wholesome flavors are prevalent in Yekik Alicha.
Honestly, I wasn’t prepared for the wealth of flavors from a simple pre-made salty sauce. This recipe won over my meat eating husband and I was torn a bit.
You will taste crunchy texture from the collard greens along with savory salty spiciness. Sautéed collard greens stew soaks up the rice making each bite a juicy hearty crunchiness.
An acquaintance gifted the Squash from her garden. It was fun to decorate with it during the fall. When winter came, it makes the perfect warming, creaming, bowl of soup. No extra sweetener was added since I prefer light sweetness.
Our Pink lemonade recipe shows how to easily make yourself fresh colored lemon juice at home. Instead of adding any artificial colors, you get to achieve its pinkness from fresh strawberries or cranberries.
Are you wondering how ancient grains and stir fry could be words in the same phrase. Believe me, this ancient grains stir fry is one of those dishes you want to have on a cozy day.
I remember old people would talk about black wild rice benefits, they would lament about black rice nutrition and why it is good for us. I didn’t listen at the time. Now I know better.
The fact that I’m sharing this with the world should tell you how confident I am about my version of Okra stew recipe. It is filling, tasty, and cuts back the slime drastically.
West Africans love chili or pepper more than your average African. Called ‘hot pepper’ by most, pepper is a must on every plate and table, even for breakfast.