A famous dish from the Kissi tribe of Liberia is Traditional Red Oil Soup, renowned for its richness and heartiness. They call it cheap and simple, we think it is rich in many ways. Taste for yourself.
Traditional Red Palm Oil Soup

Authentic African Plant-based Foods
Authentic African Plant-based Foods
A famous dish from the Kissi tribe of Liberia is Traditional Red Oil Soup, renowned for its richness and heartiness. They call it cheap and simple, we think it is rich in many ways. Taste for yourself.
Liberian food recipes such as this kidney bean stew are nutritious, tasty and easy to make. Start living your best plant-based life.
Now we present you, our delectable very popular Liberian rice bread recipe, go bananas with it!
Thank Liberian street food vendors for this savory peanut butter marinade recipe which makes the roasted king oyster, and maitake mushrooms finger licking good.
Did you know brown rice with African eggplant (aka kittely), boiled okra, palm oil and sesame seeds put together could taste so luxurious?
Moni kalama; creamy, tasty rice porridge breakfast popular in West Africa food. One of the affordable food recipes in Africa. Find out here why we love it so much.
Creating rice balls is not only an art but an opportunity to connect to any West African roots you may have.
As I drank my pepper soup, I remembered both Marylands, here and there. This dish is filling, nutritious, and not salty thanks to the wholesome ingredients.
Rev up your healthy eating lifestyle with this exciting dish. Cassava gravy is truly meant for every vegetarian and plant-based food lover. “O ma make it thick oo!”