What can you do with half head of cabbage? Make Congolese cabbage stew and enjoy it as-is or with the national staple! Hint, it is not rice.
Congolese African cabbage recipe

Authentic African Plant-based Foods
Authentic African Plant-based Foods
What can you do with half head of cabbage? Make Congolese cabbage stew and enjoy it as-is or with the national staple! Hint, it is not rice.
This is unlike any other West African peanut soup you’ve ever had! Why? It is enriched with Congolese balancing approach to food, which adds texture to the flavors.
Semoule- is riche & light. Congo fufu can be a way of how to use cassava flour. Among food from Congo this semolina recipe makes it unique.
You get earthy zest that cannot be compared to any other dishes. Deliciously easy and worth tasting! This warming West African food is full of traditional flavors. And it has West Africa’s rich, flavorful & much loved ingredient.
A pick-me-up Congo drink anyone? Taste Kivu Congo coffee or experience the national drink; wine up or down. Food in Congo has nice African coffee and rum coconut cocktail.