In our post today, we bring you the top 4 African vegetables in Benin vegetarian recipes. Traditional Benin food has grains, leafy vegetables (African basil plant), and roots. Benin cuisine include corn, rice, legumes, potatoes, yams, and cassava. Due to Benin’s equatorial climate, its vegetarian recipes have plenty of ingredients. Come along, and let’s discover the best plant-based dishes from Benin and you will discover what Gboman is about. Furthermore, if you got a taste for African cuisine, check out the kinds of Foods Kenyan Luhya and Kikuyu love. Curious about a no-animal-meat food lifestyle? Subscribe to our monthly updates and peep instagram to see what I eat 😊.
Ninnouwi (Corchorus Olitorius)
One of the 4 top African vegetables in Benin cuisine is Ninnouwi. Ethnic Beninese people prepare it by boiling its green leaves. We regard Ninnouwi as a top vegetable in Benin because it is among the popular Beninese dishes. In fact, this vegetarian food item is most abundant during rainy seasons. With the help of irrigation, the vegetable is cultivated even during the dry season. You are sure to find ninnouwi in local markets throughout Benin.

Like Nigeria’s vegetarian Ogbono Soup, Ninnouwi’s sauce is thick and nutritious. Consequently, this makes it an essential part of the diet of children, youth, and adults. This traditional food item in Benin is a good source of potassium. To enjoy Ninnouwi well, eat it with major meals such as white corn dough or rice paste.
Fotètè or Gboman
Fotètè or Gboman also adds to the top 4 African vegetables in Benin vegetarian recipes list. This traditional vegetable comes in varieties of green or red leaves. Furthermore, some Beninese vegetarian dishes contain edible seeds of Gboman. Interestingly, locals eat this Benin cuisine either as a cooked sauce or just raw. Wouldn’t it be exciting to try both versions?
Fotètè simple sauce
Without a doubt, you need to try simple Fotètè sauce. It is a simple sauce made of tomatoes, onion, garlic, ginger, and other spices. This Benin vegetable recipe is indeed simple! First, cook your tomato sauce and then add the ingredients. Then just let it simmer. You are set to enjoy this traditional Beninese vegetable with white corn paste or rice.

Amanvivè (Vernonia)
Vernonia is another top 4 African vegetables in Benin food. It is a widely grown vegetable in Benin cuisine. The leaves of this shrub are known to have many medicinal properties against stomach upset and diarrhea. Traditionally, Beninese people eat its tender leafy shoots as boiled or in soup. Alternatively, Vernonia is often finely cut and dried. After that, it is used to garnish other foods, including meat dishes. Follow our recipe for making this traditional Benin food item and enjoy.
Fotètè seeds sauce from African vegetables
Besides simple sauce, Fotètè seeds also make a great vegetable sauce. For great results, cook the seeds with palm nut juice (DéKOUN-SOUNOU in the Fon language). When well-seasoned, Fotètè seeds sauce gives off a delightful smell. You may want to try this Benin vegetable sauce to get what we are talking about.

Tchtradayo – Unknown African vegetables
Better known as African basil, Tchayo is another top 4 African vegetables in Benin. Generally, this green leafy vegetable has a calming effect after eating because it is a herbal soup. According to scientific studies, Tchayo contains antibacterial, antioxidant, and decongestant properties. This is one of the reasons why Tchayo is the 4th most consumed vegetable in Benin after Gboman, Amanvivè, and Fotètè. In fact, you can easily harvest Tchayo vegetable leaves in the garden or bush. You are in for a treat if you accompany Tchayo with such carbohydrate-rich meals as foufou, rice, yams, or cassava. Start this experience by following our Newsletter.
Could you name more African vegetables?
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