This unpopular topic is discussed openly and honestly, by people who live the Vegetarian or plant based lifestyle. Vegetarian fatigue makes many beginners to the lifestyle always tired and weak. Why? Beginners who choose no meat food are excited about the benefits, but some jump over learning how to balance meals nutritionally to satisfy the needs of their bodies. Think about this realistically; are you overcoming a bad relationship with food from living in meat-driven households? Now, you are transitioning towards a no meat food lifestyle and learning how to balance meals? Of course you are always tired and weak, there is a lot to figure out! Vegetarian African food recipes aside, here are 4 ways to avoid and fix vegetarian fatigue.
1-Eating plants 100% doesn’t erase EXERCISE
It is natural to want to escape hard-work, especially when you think there is a loophole: no meat food. Not really. My honest feedback from experience is, if you don’t exercise it makes you always tired and weak. When I started eating plants 100%, I thought I didn’t need to or have to exercise. That attitude came about because eating plants makes you feel light (not heavy) and you feel good for a long-time (months and years). I was able to push the “no exercise” boundary for several months to a year. But I had no energy. That is until I started exercising. Lesson is, vegetarian fatigue is avoidable when you incorporate long walks, hiking, biking, jogging, or some type of exercise. You don’t have to become a gym rat, just move a little.
2-Build Trust with plant-proteins earlier

Let your taste buds get familiar with plant proteins sooner. I wasn’t easily accustomed to Tofu and Seitan, the popular pure plant proteins, when I transitioned towards no meat food and vegetarian African food. Most beginners ask what helps with being always tired and weak; the solution is to have pure plant proteins regularly. As well as exercise. Since I didn’t trust the taste yet, I tried to learn how to balance meals by using legumes and greens in vegetarian African food. Unfortunately, it didn’t fix the vegetarian fatigue issue because I was still always tired and weak. People suggested tofu but I told myself I wouldn’t like it because it looked strange. Truth is, I had to heal from my bad relationship with food to fully accept no meat food. Adding proteins like tofu and seitan helped me learn how to balance meals and fixed my vegetarian fatigue.

Related: Plant based meat alternatives
3-Avoid Trendy eating or social media glitzy recipes
Popular social media recipes do not consistently teach you how to balance meals. Instead, the no meat foods they hype are just pretty looking and color-coded. And it is no wonder vegetarian fatigue is rampant. Trendy food recipes followers complain that they are always tired and weak. I think that’s because influencers care more about how perfectly pretty the food is, rather than teaching followers how to balance meals. I’m not pushing you towards vegetarian African food, but some of the things they line up are not realistically edible long term! I’m not eating kale pumpkin mixed with almond butter. Nope! They glam-up no meat food and show only bright colors with un-chewable textures and odd pairings that will make you vomit. To fix vegetarian fatigue, avoid social media’s (Instagram/tiktok) popular/trendy recipes. Learn what you like, then add fat, protein, and carbs always. Even I had to learn how to balance meals as I ate mostly vegetarian African food. Trust the no meat food journey, stay away from social media food influence.

4-Stop being too strict with food
It is 2023, so we have to ask this, must you be “perfect”? Whatever that means. Some people get into the no meat food lifestyle because it looks perfect, pretty, or aesthetic. Yes, no meat food has many wholesome benefits, but you still need to learn how to balance meals. We love carbohydrates and fats as much as we preach about greens, beans, and leafy vegetables. You know yourself best, so if you are always tired and weak in your no meat food lifestyle, what nutrients are you skipping? Fatty foods? Carbs(bread, rice, pasta, happiness)? Removing or reducing these things increases these energy-lacking feelings. And they are important in knowing how to balance meals. I didn’t know this either when I set out to make vegetarian African food recipes. I used to skim over or avoid using too much palm oil or too much oil in general. With consistent exercise and knowing how to balance meals, you can fix vegetarian fatigue.

Lastly, Vegetarian Fatigue is temporary
Yes, give yourself a break to make mistakes and learn from it. Vegetarian fatigue is a phase; it is temporary and to be expected. I found my light at the end of the tunnel with vegetarian African food. Hope you find yours too. What advice would you give to beginners? Comment below. Curious about a no-animal-meat food lifestyle? Check out our Instagram page for real-life inspirations 😊.