Products from Africa are not mainstream, yet they are medicinal, economical and nutritional. Ancient elders ate mostly no meat food and there was strategic balance to what now seems plain. In modernity, we seek wholesome ingredients and GMO free foods. So perhaps African food ingredients should be considered. We are team plants because they are the truth, the way, and the light. Here are 4 African food ingredients we love from trusted brands. Next time you are at the African store, try these brands, but don’t raid the shelves abi!
1. Choice Tropical- Made in Ivory Coast
I adore Choice Tropical products (not sponsored). This wholesaler sources fantastic African food ingredients that I believe are among GMO free foods. Choice Tropical’s ground millet is one of those products from Africa that I love! Personally, when I eat Choice Tropical African food products, I taste the land in the food. It is more than intuition jor, it is true! Similarly, I tasted the land when I had a Rwandan coffee. Abeg, that taste is how I know it is among GMO free foods. And I have been able to taste the land in other African grown products that are not on this list. I also like that Choice Tropical foods are clean, fresh and usually fairly priced. Expect to find other African food ingredients from them like dried kittely (not sponsored), which is the cleanest processed kittely I have found to suit my no meat food lifestyle. But this brand is my go-to for millet only because their kittely price wears high heels (aka it’s expensive).
2. El Misria- Delta (Brand) Frozen Molokhia leaves- Made in Egypt

There are many African food brands in Egypt that produce molokhia leaves. The Delta brand is the only one I could find locally. Molokhia leaves are jute mallow or palava sauce leaves, as we call them in Liberia. If you seek GMO free foods within African food ingredients, look to molokhia leaves from Egypt. I only buy jute leaves from Egyptian brands for several reasons:
(a) generous portion to price ratio
(b) delectable freshness
(c) cleanly processed leaves that give great taste
It is not necessary to name the other African food brands or products from Africa that fall short of these expectations. In the no meat food lifestyle, we want ease along with wholesome ingredients. And such products from Africa make living the vegetarian or plant based lifestyle a breeze!
Related: Chuck Rice-Palava sauce and red gravy
3. Tonomi All Natural Cassava Flour- Non GMO- Made in Togo

This recommendation comes after tasting the truth in Tonomi cassava flour (not sponsored). And to think I had settled for a mixed dupe. Tonomi is aware that customers want GMO free foods so they label their package accordingly. Are you really expecting wholesome ingredients from your fufu vendor? Try this Tonomi cassava flour instead. They do not dupe you by mixing their cassava flour with potato granules, which other African food brands out there do. African food ingredients like this are the real deal. You would smell and taste the real cassava, which I had forgotten about because work life in America is draining. The Tonomi price is high, but it is on par with other Western cassava products that offer natural, GMO free foods.
Related: 3 Ways how to make fufu from cassava
4. THX Foods Organic Red Palm Oil- Non GMO- Origin TBD
Last, but not the least is THX Foods organic red palm oil (not sponsored). Western Sub-Saharan ingredients include red palm oil as a general rule of thumb. We don’t debate or condone any political dribble over palm oil. This is the nectar of the gods. Since I woke up to modernity ills and genetic modification of foods, I actively look for GMO free foods. Especially in heavily eaten African food ingredients like Palm oil.

Fun fact, many African aunties will request to taste the red oil before buying it when they shop at the open market. Some West African women can detect if it is not organic. Talk about an intuitive detective! Sorry, I need to get some things off my chest about this: Did you know scientists and greedy farmers created a different palm tree? They said the organic one “takes too long” to produce. Liberians call the genetically modified palm-tree, “palm-may.” And locals know how to spot the fake oils from palm-may trees.
So, THX Foods GMO organic palm oil is listed here because they are the only African food brand willing to be honest. They list on their package that the product is of wholesome ingredients: one of the GMO free foods. I was vexed about this because our native food stores have many red oil brands and none of them care to confirm if their product is GMO-free. Do they think Genetically Modified Organisms are a hoax (prank, joke, not real)? THX Foods is a Texan brand. Even though the label doesn’t show the product origin, I will continue to buy it. This is because they are willing to stake their reputation and confirm their red palm oil is GMO-Free.
African food brands gist
What are your favorite African food brands? Share with us in the comments, and what’s special about them? Putting aside our no meat food lifestyle, how have wholesome ingredients or GMO free foods benefited you? Don’t be shy, name your products from Africa so we can check them out too. That’s it, now you know our favorite list of African food ingredients. Remember, don’t raid the shelves! Curious about a no-meat food lifestyle? Check out our Instagram page for real-life inspirations 😊.